"Empty the bucket."

"Empty the bucket." Burnout; Asynchronous and Asymmetric Gameplay [Nice Replay]
A line drawing sketch of four liquid containers pouring into a bucket labled "Burn out." The contrainers are labled "Expectations," "Time," Emotional Investement," and "Workplace drama."

You've heard it from us before, but here it is again: We're on Patreon! As your nice hosts work on Roboston over hiatus, we'll be recording our unedited working sessions every week and posting them to our Patreon page. Sign up now to get them as they are posted.

Your nice hosts are tired, then get energized. Stephen is thinking about it, Mark brought a few unlikely examples, and Ellen is also thinking about it.

Here's a fun new thing: We've recently started a Discord channel for listeners to discuss the show with each other. It's part of the Twin Cities Gamedev Discord server, but you don't need to be a Twin Cities gamedev to partisipate! Get directly to the Nice Games Club discussion channel via https://nicegames.club/discord