Star Trek games (from Enterprising Individuals)

Star Trek games (from Enterprising Individuals)
The logo for "Enterprising Individuals."

Recently, Mark appeared on an episode of the Star Trek interview podcast (and fellow Minnesota production) Enterprising Individuals to talk about Star Trek video games. It was a lively discussion and we're pleased to re-broadcast it here.

Thanks to host Aaron Coker and producer Diane Blum for arranging the interview and allowing your nice hosts to re-post it as an episode of Nice Games Club.

Happy Star Trek Day everyone! Wednesday of this week marked the 55th anniversary of the first airing of Star Trek on television, and Paramount's marketing department celebrated the event with a multi-hour livestream of upcoming announcements and touching tributes.

Star Trek games (from Enterprising Individuals)

For show notes, check out the episode's page on the Enterprising Individuals website.