Nice Plays: "Everything" (2017)

Nice Plays: "Everything" (2017)
Everything key art.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Previously, our video episodes would appear in our podcast feed as well as on YouTube, but we were unsatisfied with the lower video quality when delivered in that format, and feedback from listeners tells us that you don't really enjoy watching videos in your various podcast apps, so we're now only posting our video episodes on YouTube, where the user experience is far superior.

You can subscribe to our YouTube channel to get future video episodes directly, but you'll also get these mini-episodes in the podcast feed, with a little preview of what to expect and links to that week's episodes on YouTube.

This week on Nice Plays, the show where the Nice Games Club gamedevs play nice games, we continue a conversation from last week’s roundtable, and preview a topic from an upcoming episode.

Your nice hosts talk about gamedev philosophy while Martha plays the zen-inspired game Everything, and talk about character design as Stephen wanders into Martha's ranch and makes a big ‘ol mess in the super-adorable farming game Slime Rancher.
