We hear from "California Business Mark" who spent the week on-location at GDC 2023. Mark summarizes some of the best talks and events he attended at the conference, featuring Kirby, the Playdate console, secrets in Tunic, Max, and more!
GDC 2023
Here are the time codes for individual topics:
- 10:23 Publishing agreements talk
- 19:32 Porting talk
- 20:58 Playdate developer lunch
- 28:24 Dinner with Max!
- 29:27 Games Industry Gathering (GiG)
- 30:50 The Many Dimensions of Kirby
- 47:40 Immortality talk
- 48:25 IGDA general meeting
- 51:50 Secrets in Tunic
- 58:45 Experimental
GameplayGames Workshop