NOTE: For the first few episodes in this new video format, we’ll be looking at games that your nice hosts have a hand in, but we are looking forward to digging into projects from outside the clubhouse, too! Get in touch with us (contact@nicegames.club) if you’d like to come on the show and show us the guts of your game!
This week’s episode is another edition of Code Comment, where your nice hosts look at the project, code, assets, and design of an indie game in development to see how it’s made.
This week, we scamper though Widget Satchel, a mascot-based platformer Mark and Stephen are working on. We took a look at the game right in our Ludum Dare Extravaganza Nice Play episode but the team has done so much more work since then! Learn all about the cool tools Mark coded to help Stephen build levels quickly, how mischief physics works, and more!