Roboston! (part 2)

Nice Games Jam: "Roboston! (part 2)"
A crude drawing of a large, humanoid robot in a field standing next to three wind turbines, with the phrase "pt. 2" hand-drawn around the robot.

Your nice hosts return to Roboston in a first for the program, revisiting and expanding upon on a previous Nice Games Jam game! Ellen conjures some frightening scenarios, Stephen and Mark work the numbers, and everybody loves conditional formatting.

Create a game where you are working together to construct a robot, but each player has a secret task they are trying to get the robot to complete along the way.
Game type
Tabletop game
Player count
3 - 8

Deck of Robot Parts

Deck of Player Roles

Deck of Objectives

6-sided die


Patch Notes!

New Roles:

  • Turtle: have more DEF than any other value AND complete the objective.
  • Generalist: All stats within 5 points of each other AND complete the objective.
  • Specialist: One stat is 7 points greater than the next highest stat AND complete the objective.

New Objectives:

  • GIANT MUTANT TREE ATTACK - It's 'leafing' downtown a total mess!
    Stats required to beat: Off: 21, Def: 16, Int: 8
  • ALIEN INVASION - They're slimy and they have the wrong number of eyes.
    Stats required: Off: 13, Def: 21, Int: 16
  • BAGGER 288 - This mining robot has gained sentience and is scooping up the suburbs!
    Stats needed: Off:13, Def: 13, Int: 23
  • WEAPONIZED WIND TURBINE - Green, scary energy!
    Stats needed: Off 15, Def 15, Int 15

In this episode we tried for a longer game by increasing the number of robot parts to 2 Body Parts, 2 Head Parts and 8 Limb Parts.

To create the part stats, we gave them a random number between -3 and 5 of Offense, Defense and Intelligence. Feel free to make your own!