You may notice that Mark is missing from this episode. 'Twas technical problems that showed up just as the recording began, so he sat it out for fear of ruining the flow of a great interview. But he was listening in the whole time and enjoyed the lively conversation as much as you are sure to!
Starting an indie studio is hard, starting a worker-owned cooperative is harder. This week your nice hosts interview longtime friend of the show Reese Valentine and their fellow co-founder Mackenzie Denker, both of Amelore. It's co-ops 101, which happens to be exactly the info Stephen needs right now!
Co-op Studios
Co-founder of Amelore co-op, a worker-owned game studio. Former President of the Game Design Club at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.
External link
Co-founder of Amelore co-op, a worker-owned game studio.
External link