"Imagine it's running on a potato."

"Imagine it's running on a potato." Targeting Multiple Platforms; Spirit Island Spirits
Box art of the tabletop game Spirit Island, depicting six natural spirits protecting a small island from an incoming fleet of sailing ships.

This episode's cover art is the box art from Spirit Island. You can buy a print of the box art from the creators here, on Redbubble.

We face complexity head-on this episode with two topics that will get your neurons firing. Mark walks through considerations involved with publishing a game to multiple platforms. It's not easy, but it's a lot easier if you plan for it from the start! If you've listened to recent episodes, you'll know that Stephen has been obsessed with the tabletop game Spirit Island. Today, he shares some of the work he's done in creating a new, customized spirit for the game. Also, Mark experiences glitches, and the hosts plan a visit.