Your nice hosts welcome Andrew Kenady, also know as Nintendrew on YouTube, to the show this week! He brings a postmortem about his recently released action platformer C.A.R.L.
It's a gamedev podcast!
- Secrets & Easter Eggs
- Player Trust
In this episode, Mark makes up a reason to take a road trip, Ellen outwits everyone, and Stephen was also there.
- Visual Composition
- Minigames
This week, your nice hosts talk about last week and next week. Mark wants you to frame things, Stephen wants a definition, and Ellen wants you to start a fight with her on Discord.
Your nice hosts invite Zachtronics founder Zach Barth to discuss the closing of the studio and the logistics of moving on from that.
The year 2022 in review! Yes, it's now halfway through February, but being a few weeks late is part of the annual "Nicest Of" tradition.
- Verisimilitude
- Indie Game Credits
Your nice hosts' pronunciation is on point this week as they say a really hard word a large number of times!
This week, we invite our first guest for Nice Thinking! Adam Clewes-Boyne is putting together an initiative for neurodiversity advocacy and education in the games industry, specifically focused on ADHD.
- Learning to Use Tools
- Co-Op Games
As the podcast approaches its fifth anniversary, your hosts get a little (more) frivolous.
Your nice hosts talk to Andrew Eiche, COO at Owlchemy Labs (Job Simulator, Vacation Simulator, Cosmonious High) about the state of VR in 2022, and where VR and VR development tools may be going in the coming years.
Game designer Osama Dorias returns to the clubhouse to help design a game that can be played remotely, and provides some (much needed?) structure to the Nice Games Jam process.
This week we're joined by Alina Matson, developer of Fitment—a microworkout app designed with cozy gamers in mind.
Your nice hosts (Ellen, mainly) conduct a double-interview, with a consummate professional and a committed amateur, on the subject of game design though the lens of tabletop game mastering.
- Curling
- Off-Ramps