It's a gamedev podcast!

The show where nice gamedevs Ellen Burns-Johnson, Mark LaCroix, and Stephen McGregor (with friends and guests) talk gaming and game development!

Nice Games Jam

It's our second climb into the scruff as your nice hosts continue development on "Dogpile!" We've updated the rules and did a lot of work toward defining the properties of a full prototype deck, consisting of 100, or 150...

  • GameMaker for Unity Devs
  • Inspiration from Behavioral Economics

Your nice hosts accidentally stumble into the thesis of the show as this episode explores these two topics!

with Andrew Eiche

Your nice hosts talk to Andrew Eiche, COO at Owlchemy Labs (Job Simulator, Vacation Simulator, Cosmonious High) about the state of VR in 2022, and where VR and VR development tools may be going in the coming years.

Nice Games Jam

It’s Ellen’s 100th episode as a Nice Games Club host! And there’s no better way to celebrate a big day than with a Nice Games Jam. Dale gave us a prompt and you’ll never guess the theme.

Nice Thinking

This week, we invite our first guest for Nice Thinking! Adam Clewes-Boyne is putting together an initiative for neurodiversity advocacy and education in the games industry, specifically focused on ADHD.

  • Maintaining an Open-Source Project
  • Should we design for Killers?

In this larger than normal episode, your nice hosts bring a lot to the top of the show with a bunch of exciting news. And there's still two topics to discuss after that!

with Nina Marotta

Nina Marotta (and Kelso the cat) from High Moon Studios enters the clubhouse to talk about level and interaction design. She showers your nice hosts with bits of wisdom, such as:

"Games are ugly for 90% of their development."

  • Curling
  • Off-Ramps

How much of the culture around a game is rooted in its design?

with Daniela Gamarra

It's part three of our unintentional "Gamedev in..." series! Your nice hosts speak with Daniela Gamarra about making games in Peru.

  • Parasocial Relationships
  • Narrative Pacing

Your nice hosts bring deep topics to the clubhouse this week!

Nice Thinking

It's a packed episode this week, with birthdays, illnesses, and some Nice Thinking. Stephen, Mark, and Ellen discuss how the group might put on a tournament for local gamers, featuring locally-made indie games.

with Chris Totten

It's a sequel to last week's episode! This week, your nice hosts speak with Kent State University animation and game design professor Chris Totten about formal game design education.

with Truman Simpson

In this episode Truman Simpson joins us to talk about teaching game development to young people, through Gameheads, an organization for which Truman is a long standing volunteer.

  • Diagramming Gameplay Loops
  • Art Direction

In this episode, Stephen, Mark, and Ellen talk about gameplay loops. Then, they talk about art direction. Then they talk about loops. And then art direction. And then, more loops. Just kidding!

with Anna-Lena Pontet and Luzia Hüttenmoser

At GDC, your nice hosts met and spoke with this week's returning guests.
