It's a gamedev podcast!

The show where nice gamedevs Ellen Burns-Johnson, Mark LaCroix, and Stephen McGregor (with friends and guests) talk gaming and game development!

  • King Making
  • Thinky Bits (Off-Screen Gameplay)

In the episode, Mark, Ellen, and Stephen talk local events, including (don’t worry everyone’s fine) a fire in the clubhouse’s building, construction, and the games they are playing, so if you are just here for the topics, go ahead and sk

with Chris Bergman

Most of our favorite games aren't created by solo devs; they're created by groups of people. And, when you get a bunch of people together in a group, culture happens.

  • South by Southwest 2024
  • Player Friction

In this more games-adjacent episode, Mark recounts his experiences at the South by Southwest conference this year!

with Seth Fulkerson

In this Episode Seth Fulkerson joins us in the clubhouse to talk the game engine, GameMaker.

with Laura Onderwater

We’re joined this week by Laura Onderwater, friend of the show! Laura is an experienced concept artist currently working with Greensky Games.

with Alyssa Walles and Audi Sorlie

Your nice hosts conclude their GDC 2024 coverage with a pair of interviews they conducted at the show. Mark catches a post-show cold, Stephen gets over his, and Ellen thought everything sounded great.

GDC 2024 Special (Part 2)

And now, the conclusion (sorta!), as tour nice hosts recount the back half of the week at this year's GDC.

GDC 2024 Special (Part 1)

Some of your nice hosts, plus some nice guest hosts, traveled to San Fransisco last week for the 2024 Game Developers Conference. There was so much to see and do and it ended up being too much for just one episode...

  • Partnering Up
  • Control Flow

It's our first roundtable of the year! And did you know that Minneapolis is "partnered up" with Saint Paul? Stephen's not sure what either of these topics have to do with game development, but don't worry—we get there.

Nice Games Jam

The clubhouse is caffeinated and ready to jam, game jam that is.

with Rick Stemm

In this episode your nice hosts welcome Rick Stemm of PikPok to the clubhouse to talk about what happens after a game gets greenlit.

  • Secrets & Easter Eggs
  • Player Trust

In this episode, Mark makes up a reason to take a road trip, Ellen outwits everyone, and Stephen was also there.

  • CSS
  • Skill Trees

Dale learned a lot while editing this episode.
