Game Design

Topic Category Host or Guest # Episode Starts at
Rhythm Rumble Game Design Stephen McGregor 285 Revisiting Rhythm Rumble n/a
Roguelikes Game Design, Gaming Stephen McGregor 92 "Who are you wearing? Nintendo." 0:29:45
Safecracker!! Game Design, Tabletop 250 Game Dev London does Nice Games Jam 0:18:36
Save Scumming Game Design, Gaming Stephen McGregor 328 "Smarter, more evolved." 31:57:0
Scoring 101 Game Design Ellen Burns-Johnson 367 "Numbers go up." 0:11:26
Scoring Systems Game Design Mark LaCroix 130 “Once more with feeling!” 0:15:10
Secrets & Easter Eggs Game Design Ellen Burns-Johnson 296 "Metroid is very serious." 0:24:43
Serial Game Design Game Design Lane Davis 29 "I am a Juice Journeyman!" 0:03:05
Should we design for Killers? Game Design, Gaming Ellen Burns-Johnson 270 "Killed the flightmaster, killed the griffin..." 0:49:50
Silent Protagonists Game Design, Narrative Stephen McGregor 241 "..." 0:43:58
Skill Trees Game Design Stephen McGregor 298 "One size bigger and red." 46:38
Sledgehammer Bride Game Design, Narrative Stephen McGregor 240 Sledgehammer Bride n/a
Small Projects Game Design, Narrative Adia Alderson 189 Evil Games Club 5! 0:45:46
Spirit Island Spirits Game Design, Tabletop Stephen McGregor 359 "Imagine it's running on a potato." 0:46:49
Stealth Games Game Design Martha Megarry 140 "We’re criming you!" 0:01:30
Stephen's "Rule of Threes" Game Design Stephen McGregor 304 "Play thrice, and make thrice." 0:17:30
Storytelling Game Design, Narrative Mark LaCroix 222 "The anitidote to hype." 0:10:00
Teaching Gamedev to Young People Game Design, IRL Truman Simpson 263 Teaching Gamedev to Young People n/a
Teaching Gamedev to Young People, Again! Game Design, IRL Chris Totten 264 Teaching Gamedev to Young People, Again! n/a
The Ethics of Engagement Game Design Ellen Burns-Johnson 284 "Shiny rocks get me every time." 0:36:22
The Intersection of Puzzle and Story Game Design, Narrative, Production Ron Gilbert 354 The Intersection of Puzzle and Story n/a
The Psychology of Animation Art, Game Design, UI / UX Ellen Burns-Johnson 304 "Play thrice, and make thrice." 0:48:16
The Taxonomy of Horse Games Game Design, Gaming, Production Alice Ruppert 303 The Taxonomy of Horse Games n/a
Theming vs. Aesthetics Game Design Ellen Burns-Johnson 361 "The lensing effect of the window." 0:06:40
Therapeutic Games Game Design, Tabletop Adam Davis 219 Therapeutic Games n/a
Thinky Bits (Off-Screen Gameplay) Game Design Ellen Burns-Johnson 347 "A slow meat computer" 0:49:17
Tiny Horrors Game Design, Narrative Rosalie Vile 299 Tiny Horrors n/a
Tips for Designing Games for Learning Events, Game Design, UI / UX Ellen Burns-Johnson 203 Tips for Designing Games for Learning n/a
Tutorialization with Puzzles Game Design Luke Spierewka 371 Tutorialization with Puzzles n/a
Tutorials Game Design, UI / UX Stephen McGregor 90 "Press A to jump." 0:41:51
Unlocks Game Design Stephen McGregor 163 "Please cheat, I don't care." 0:06:19
Unreal Engine Game Design, Production, Programming, Tools Zack Gilbertson 307 Unreal Engine for Indies n/a
User Interfaces Game Design Mark LaCroix 19 "Pick up all the things." 0:42:26
Verisimilitude Art, Game Design Ellen Burns-Johnson 278 "Insert interesting car here." 0:05:23
Video Game Juice Game Design Lane Davis 29 "I am a Juice Journeyman!" 0:35:18
Violence in Games Game Design Dev Jana 25 Violence in Games n/a
Visual Composition Art, Game Design, UI / UX Mark LaCroix 294 "Layers and layers of hair." 0:17:12
Visual Novels Game Design, Marketing, Narrative Gloria Kim, Lane Davis 93 Visual Novels n/a
What We Did On Our Winter Break (2020-21) Game Design, IRL, Meta Mark LaCroix, Stephen McGregor, Dale LaCroix, Ellen Burns-Johnson 207 "It’s March tomorrow." What We Did On Our Winter Break (2020-21) n/a
Win Conditions Game Design Stephen McGregor 53 "Boo!" 0:31:07
Worldbuilding Game Design, Narrative Mark LaCroix 201 "Not like Beauty and the Beast." 57:08
Writing for Games Game Design, Narrative Adia Alderson 160 Evil Games Club 4! 0:10:00
Your game has a message... did you write it? Art, Game Design, Narrative, Production Mark LaCroix 348 Your game has a message... did you write it? n/a